Thursday 21 October 2010


I have been thinking about lighting. Lighting is vital to our video as it creates atmosphere and also helps for the images within the video to be seen.

For the recording studio scene I think that the artificial ceiling lighting should be effective in this scene because in recording studio this is the type of lighting that is used.

For the Street scene we can use car headlights and also hopefully the street lights will give us enough light to help if we film when it is becoming dusk.

For the performance scene we need bright light to light up the band and also reflections of light off of the metal on the drum kit and guitar will create interesting effects.

For the silhouette scene we will need lighting from the font onto a white sheet of which we can then film.

For the car scene - this has already been filmed and with the natural lighting of the sun this created enough light to capture the car.

For the bar scene, the spot lights in the ceiling should light Emily at the bar and also the natural lighting from the window should create light on her face and illuminate her expression.

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