I (Henry) was researching similar artists and videos to see what shots were incorparated into the video and how this was done. I also kept an eye on the mise en scene for indie based bands such as "One Night Only":
The song
"Just For Tonight" provided me with research information about the camera angles, editing and mise en scene used.
This long shot could be demonstrated in our video in a similar way than the one shown here. It shows the all band members walking away from the camera, however the lead singer is shown facing the audience. This could be seen as audience interaction - something we wish to illustrate in our video
This piece of editing could be shown in our video where the lead singer is seen walking on her own "Smoke words blend repeat". linking the narrative (lead singer) and performance (band) parts of the video.
This a generic convention of all music videos. This image also shows the artist wearing a black jacket (indie style) which is what is an item one of our band members could wear - |
This shot shows the four band members together in a mid shot. They have been shot from the front and then shown walking past the camera (before this image) when the camera tracks them from behind. The band are silouetted as they walk away as a group, showing their solidarity. It also gives the audience a sort of album shot within the video so they can appreciate them as a whole. This is shot we could use as Emily walks away from the band, we can pan around showing the 3 male band members left behind.
I (Grace) have also been researching in techniques used in other music videos which could be used in our music video. The list on the following website (
http://www.the-top-tens.com/lists/best-british-indie-bands.asp) shows the top ten best British indie bands. I have tried to look at these to see what effective techniques have been used that will help gain popularity with the band.
In the music video
Chelsea Dagger by The Fratellis, the image created at the start with the stage perfomance is similar to the image we want to create through performance near the end of our video, with the apperance of each individual band member. However in our video we want to have the instrument players in a silhouette and Emily as the lead artist appearing as they are playing.
The shot shows the three band members in the spotlights and as
described above we could use a similar technique in our video but with
the appearance of Emily instead of each band member. The shot also
shows the band members looking at each other and performing, having
fun, but also sightlines come into play here because they never look
directly at the camera.
Also again as an indie band you can see their individual style of dress through their performance. |
In the same video they also use closeups of band members and their instruments which is a another technique we want to use in our video.
The image shows the main singer close up to the microphone
and although it is not a real CU, his hat and most of his torso is
cut out of the image. |
Editors are another indie band who use a technique which we are going to try and put into our music video. The image below is taken from their track Papillon.
This image shows the artist running and this connects with the beginning of the track where the artist is running, both times down a road altough the setting is slightly different. Although we do not want to put running into our video, the technique used about linking the beginning and the end is what we want to put into our music video, where our video opens with Emily in the recording studio putting on the headphones and then closes with Emily taking off the headphones. |
Although Take That are not exactly part of the indie genre, in their music video
Rule The World they have a similar recording studio set up to the one we want to make for our music video.
This image shows the lead artist in a 'booth' style recording studio and the rest of the music video incorperates props that we wish to use in our music video for example the sound board. This video is about the band recording their track. Also towards the end of the video it shows the artists and the band playing within the small recording stuido space. |
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