Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Music Choices

As a group today we spent much time researching and surfing the internet for a track to use. We have managed to decide that the music will come from one of two genres - Punk or R&B - however as Jonny said we have the backups of Urban and Indie. I like R&B because the tracks tend to have more of a narrative and I feel that this would be better for making a music video from. Also some Punk tracks tend to have more of a rock style to them which would require the use of guitars and drums. I have, as Jonny has, managed to narrow the artist choice down to three artists (Jayden Felder - 'Fell in love' & 'Constantly', Adam Santiago - 'Time Machine' and Banzy - 'Don't Leave in a Hurry' ) all from - which is a great site to find new unsigned artists. After lisetning to Jeremy Thurber, who Jonny found, I also like his track 'Pain Killer'. We are still to discuss all tracks found by each other and hopefully by the end of the week (before if possible) we will have a final track we can start working on. However, as a group once we have chosen the track we have to seek permission from the artist which could take a few days to do.

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