Saturday, 20 November 2010

Magazine Adverts

I bought both the NME magazine and also the Q magazines to study the magazine adverts within them.
There are all kinds of different adverts - some are very simplitic and some are complex. Many adverts tend to be more focused on the tour dates for well established artists with the digipack being advertised in small print. However there are also many adverts which are purly advertising the digipacks.
They are set out in many different ways within the music magazines, some filling half a page, some a full page and some are either just a quarter of a page. Depending on the marketing budget and the type of magazine that the artists are advertising in will relate to the size of the advert.
I have scanned in all the adverts from both the NME magazine and Q magazine and I have annoted the different types to show the range and left others blank as extra examples
NME Music Magazine

This images shows the artists sitting at a
table. This image and design has been
taken from the digipack however, quotes
have been added about the music. This
is effective because it represents the
digipack exactly.

This image shows a page which 3 adverts have
been placed on. There are two at the top and one
large at the bottom. The one at the bottom is advertising a DVD
which shows that they mix up the types of adverts and do not
group all of one type together.

Q Magazine

This is plain and simple but effective. It includes the artists name and their special collection. The artist name is big enough not to require an image to go with it. As its advertising a collection, there is no need for quotes as they are tracks that the fans will have heard before.

This is an interesting advert as it is advertising his original demo CDs that made him a legend. He fills a lot of the page as this is an important advert and he is looking at the audience which causes them to make a connection with him. Again it contains his website address so that fans will investigate further. It also contains the digipack covers for the cds so that the fans know what to look out for. The use of monochrome with the important writing in blue makes this stand out.

I like this advert because it is very simple but contains all the relevant infomation for fans. The use of the pattern in the top image creates a quirky feel which contrasts the black background. Again in this image there is no artist - whih must mean they are a well developed band. It is also advertising the fact that it is an Expanded edition and like the Bob Dylan advert above the important infomation is in purple to make it stand out from the less relevant infomation. There are many quotes included from fans and others which helps the fans to see what they are getting and what others thought of the album
These two adverts have been placed together as they have similar content. The positioning of the artist is very similar and the text is very large and eye catching. These adverts are aimed at a specific audience and so have been grouped together. Again they contain the release dates, quotes and the artists website.

From these adverts I think that our advert needs to include the following:
  1. The name of the artist and the ablum - similar or same font as digipack.
  2. Release date
  4. Artist website
  5. A posed picture of the group to attract the fans - almost like a poster image - different from the album.
  6. Either tour dates and where to buy tickets or a web address for dates and tickets.

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