Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Digipack Rearch

I have been looking at digipacks and although they are not from our genre I have been looking at the types of digipacks there are and what they include.
There are standard digipacks and then there are the special addition digipacks.
The special edition digipacks have similar content to standard digipacks however the inserts tend to have more information about the band like history about them and also tend to have more images from performances and also older digipacks. They also often tend to contain more than one disk.

An example of this is below from the Platinum Edition digipack for Queen Greatest Hits I, II and III.

This is an extra special digipack because it contains disks from three different albums and the inlay is extra long with a history of all of their albums and many photos from their time as a band.
This is a well establised, very famous band and therefore they are able to spend more on their products, as they have a developed fan base and so know from their past sucess that they are going to do well.

The Glee digipack is an example of a digipack that has been produced from a TV series. It is still a digipack but is linked to the characters and songs from the show - they are not an established band.

The digipack is shown below.

As this is linked to the TV show much of the inlay is filled with images from the shows, in this case the double page spread in the middle was a full image of the whole cast. This is still a popular digipack with the fans of the TV show and it is another way for the producers to make money.

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